Day 1
9:00 AM - Registration
9:30 AM - Welcome
10:00 AM - Morning Session with Keynote Speaker & Experiential Leadership Training & Breakout sessions
1:00 PM - Lunch on your own
2:30 PM - Afternoon Session with Keynote Speaker & Experiential Leadership Training & Break out session
6:00 PM - End of Day
7:00PM - 9:00PM Networking Mixer
Day 2
8:30 AM - Doors open
9:00 AM - Kick off Day 2
9:00 AM - Morning Session Experiential Leadership Training & Skillset Training, Break out session
1:00 PM - Lunch on your own
2:30 PM - Afternoon session Skillset Training, Breakout Session, Keynote Speaker & Panel
6:00 PM - Closing thoughts
7:00 PM - End of Event
Snacks and Beverages Will Be Provided